Drunken Lion

SAP 시스템 변수 정리 본문


SAP 시스템 변수 정리

DrkLion 2008. 2. 5. 13:23

출처 블로그 > * 프로그래머 하얀별의 블로그 ^^*
원본 http://blog.naver.com/wono77/140019566007 


SY-SUBRC X(4) Return code. 0 : Ok.

Program and Transaction
SY-REPID C(8) Program: Name of ABAP/4 program.
SY-CPROG C(8) Runtime: Main program.
SY-TCODE C(4) Session: Current transaction code.
SY-SLSET C(14) Name of selection set (variant).
SY-BATCH C(1) 'X' => Background active (transaction is running in a batch environment in background mode).
SY-BINPT C(1) 'X' => Batch Input (Background or Foreground) active, that is transaction is not called by online user.
SY-CALLD C(1) 'X' => Call Mode Active (transaction is called from another transaction).
SY-DYNNR C(4) Number of current screen.
SY-DATAR C(1) Flag: Data Received. That is user has modified or entered new data on the screen (can by used in PAI for user actions analysis).


SY-LANGU C(1) SAP logon language key.
SY-UNAME C(12) Session: SAP user from SAP logon.
SY-HOST C(8) Host.
SY-SAPRL C(4) R/3 System, system release.
SY-SYSID C(8) R/3 System, system Id.

Date and Time

SY-DATUM D System: Date. YYYYMMDD. (Appl.Server)
SY-UZEIT T System: Time. HHMMSS. (Appl.Server)
SY-DATLO D Local date of user
SY-TIMLO D Local time of user
SY-ZONLO D Time zone of user
SY-FDAYW X(1) Factory Calendar Date: Number of week day.

Character Strings Processing

  • Comparisons with Character Strings and Numeric Strings: Offset or string length.
  • SEARCH string statement: Offset of found substring.
  • SEARCH internal table statement: Offset of found substring in the table line.

Messages Handling

SY-MSGID C(2) Message Id.
SY-MSGTY C(1) Message Type.
SY-MSGNO N(3) Message Number.
SY-MSGV1...SY-MSGV4 C(50) Message Variables.
SY-MSGLI C(60) Message Line. If after calling a method of an OLE2 Object sy-subrc=1 (that is system error occured while communicating with the presentation server), then this field should contain short description of the error.

Lists Processing

Current parameters of the report:
SY-LINSZ X(4) Current line size of the report.
SY-LINCT X(4) Current page length of the report.
SY-VLINE C(1) Current vertical line character ('|').
SY-ULINE C(255) Current horizontal line characters ('-...-').
SY-TVAR0...SY-TVAR9 C(20) Current placeholders in the list header (usually &0...&9).
Parameters of the current window:
SY-SCOLS X(4) Line size of the current window.
SY-SROWS X(4) Number of lines in the current window.
List Status:
SY-TITLE C(70) Title of the current list.
SY-PFKEY C(8) F key status of the displayed list.
SY-LSIND X(4) Index of list created by current event (basic list = 0, 1st details list = 1, ...).
Information about the list from which the event was triggered:
SY-LISTI X(4) Index of the list level from which the event was triggered (index of this list). Usually SY-LSIND - 1.
SY-UCOMM C(70) Function code that triggered the event.
SY-LILLI X(4) Absolute number in the displayed list of the line from which the event was triggered.
SY-LISEL C(255) Contents of the line from which the event was triggered.
SY-CUROW X(4) Position of the line in the WINDOW from which the event was triggered (counting starts with 1).
SY-CUCOL X(4) Position of the column in the WINDOW from which the event was triggered (counting starts with 2).
SY-CPAGE X(4) Page number of the 1st displayed page of the list from which the event was triggered.
SY-STARO X(4) Number of the 1st line of the 1st page displayed of the list from which the event was triggered (counting starts with 1). Possibly, a page header occupies this line.
SY-STACO X(4) Number of the 1st column displayed in the list from which the event was triggered (counting starts with 1).
Current output position:
SY-PAGNO X(4) Current page number.
SY-LINNO X(4) Line number on the current page of the current output position.
SY-COLNO X(4) Column of the current output position.

Internal Tables Processing

SY-TABIX X(4) Current index (after APPEND, COLLECT, READ TABLE operations, while LOOP processing).
SY-FDPOS X(4) SEARCH internal table statement: Offset of found substring in the table line.
SY-TFILL X(4) Current number of lines After DESCRIBE TABLE, LOOP AT, and READ TABLE
SY-TLENG X(4) Current length of lines
SY-TOCCU X(4) Initial main memory allocated to the internal table

Loops Processing

SY-INDEX X(4) Current index (in DO, WHILE blocks).

Open SQL

SY-DBCNT X(4) Number of lines affected or already been processed by the Open SQL operation.

Screens Processing

SY-STEPL X(4) Index of the screen table row that is currently being processed. Has a meaning only inside LOOP...ENDLOOP (looping through currently displayed rows of screen table and calling PBO/PAI modules).
SY-LOOPC X(4) Total number of screen table lines currently displayed on the screen.

Printing to Spool

SY-PEXPI N(1) Print parameters, spool retention period
SY-PRIMM C(1) Print parameters, print immediately
SY-PRREL C(1) Print parameters, delete after printing
SY-PRBIG C(1) Print parameters, selection cover page
SY-PRNEW C(1) Print parameters, new spool request
SY-PDEST C(4) Print parameters, output device
SY-PLIST C(12) Print parameters, name of spool request
SY-PRDSN C(6) Print parameters, name of spool dataset
SY-CALLR C(8) Print list, ID for print dialog function (e.g. NEW-PAGE)
SY-PTITL C(70) Print parameters, title of print program
SY-PRREC C(12) Print parameters, recipient
SY-PRTXT C(68) Print parameters, text for cover page
SY-PRABT C(12) Print parameters, department on cover page
SY-PAART C(16) Print parameters, print formatting
SY-PRCOP N(3) Print parameters, number of copies
SY-SPONO N(10) Print list, spool number

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