Drunken Lion

Note 164835 - F110: Clearing credit memos and invoices 본문


Note 164835 - F110: Clearing credit memos and invoices

DrkLion 2011. 11. 2. 16:13



When you execute a payment run, you select credit memos and invoices for a customer or a vendor, but the system does not clear them together. In the payment (default) log, the system may generate the error message FZ 347:"...none of the payment methods defined can be used for these items".

Other terms

F110, SAPF110S, clearing, FZ 347

Reason and Prerequisites

The items to be cleared do not match in particular fields (see below). Therefore, they are not paid together.
You can set a payment method only for either outgoing or incoming payments. This explains the error message FZ 347.


    • Payment run is executed with payment method U for outgoing payment.
    • Credit memo is not cleared against invoice.
    • Invoice is paid with U.
    • Error message FZ 347 is generated for the credit memo.

The following explains in general how to clear, and describes some options for eliminating errors. The logic of the grouping in the payment program is independent of the type of the documents (for example, invoice, credit memo, down payment, cross-company code posting).

General information
  • You can pay open items together using the automatic payment transactions, but only if certain fields are identical. The structure ZHLG1 specifies these fields. Important fields are:
    • Currency
    • Receiver
    • Payment method in the item
    • Bank details in the item
  • Whenever invoices and credit memos are in different payment groups, you cannot clear them together, even if the credit memo contains an invoice reference. If you set a payment group for a business partner (grouping key in the master record), then this is saved in structure ZHLG1 (field PAYGR). This way the invoice reference in the credit memo is overridden if they do not belong to the same payment group.
  • Invoice and credit memo must be due at the date of clearing. The due date of a credit memo without invoice reference (BSEG-REBZG) is the baseline date for payment (BSEG-ZFBDT), and for a credit memo with a fixed value date (BSEG-REBZG = 'V'), the due date is calculated in the same way as for an invoice. For credit memos with invoice reference, the due date of the invoice applies.
  • You cannot clear credit memos and invoices if the payment is supposed to be made using a payment method set for the POR procedure.
    Invoices are grouped with a POR number with the document number as an additional part of the grouping key so as to save the individual payment required for POR payment methods. Invoice-related credit memos for invoices with POR numbers receive the same grouping key as the related invoice. This ensures that the clearing is performed. However, you can no longer make payments using the POR payment method because this payment method allows only one item to be paid. However, you can make the payment using a different payment method.
    The POR procedure is only relevant for payment transactions with the Swiss Postal Service. Consequently, the relevant fields in the document and in the business partner master record are only of importance in Switzerland.
What can you do?
  • Check the payment methods in the line items (field BSEG-ZLSCH). For clearing, these must be filled with the same value.
  • If you have entered a specific payment method for the items, then check Customizing for this payment method (transaction FBZP). The indicator "Single payment for marked item" should not be set there.
  • Check the field "Grouping key" in the master record of the business partner for payment transactions in the company code. If, for example, there is a grouping set according to assignment number, then the invoice and credit memo must have the same assignment number in the business partner line for clearing. Using transaction OBAP, you can define which fields of the key you want the system to use for grouping.
  • Check the indicator "Pay all items separately" (LFB1- or KNB1-XPORE) in the master record of the business partner for payment transactions in the company code. If this field is set, each open item for this business partner is paid separately.
  • If you have set the indicator "Separate payment for each Business Area" (T042-XGBTR) for the payment program (all company codes) in Customizing, check the business area in the items. They must match in this case.
  • Check the house bank in the line items (field BSEG-HBKID). The values must also match for clearing. A document without house bank can only be cleared with a document with house bank if this house bank is defined in the master record of the business partner (LFB1-HBKID or KNB1-HBKID).

           Make sure that the house bank from the payment program is filled for any reset clearing documents (see Note 159607).

  • Check the partner bank type in the line items (> Other data > field BSEG-BVTYP). These values must also match for clearing. You can specify the partner bank type in the master record of the business partner for general payment transactions.
  • For postings to one-time accounts, the address data is encoded and saved in field BSEC-EMPFG. The coding routine has been changed in Release 3.0E. Therefore, if you want to offset documents from an earlier release against documents from a later release (for example, after an upgrade) you need to check the contents of this field. These values must match for clearing. If this is not the case, the documents from the earlier release need to be reversed and be posted again. If reversal is not possible, contact SAP Support.
  • If you do not clear using a payment method set with POR procedure (with or without invoice reference in the credit memo), then check the contents of the fields BSEG-ESRNR, BSEG-ESRRE and BSEG-ESRPZ. They must not be filled if you do not enter a payment method in the item.
  • If you set a separate payment for each payment reference (for example separated by a CID number in Norway or reference number in Finland) (FBZP > Paying Company Codes > field T042B-XKIDS), then the items for a clearing in field BSEG-KIDNO must be the same. Note that the Customizing setting (T042B-XKIDS) is effective only if vendors are involved in the payments. When you separate the payments by payment reference, also take into account that no outgoing payment can be generated for a payment reference for which only credit memos exist.
  • Check the structure ZHLG1 in your system. If you have inserted additional fields there, the line items must also match in these fields. Contact your consultant.

Header Data

Release Status:
Released on: 30.05.2008  10:55:56
Master Language: 독어
Primary Component: FI-AP-AP-B
Secondary Components: RE-RT

Affected Releases


Related Notes

1084325 - FSCM-BD: Payment method for invoice-related credit memo II
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197626 - Partner bank category in RAs and payment program
159607 - F110: Reset clearing is not offset against
143311 - F110:Incorr.due date for cred.memo w/ fix.val.date
109233 - F110: message FZ347 or several payment documents
86578 - Guidelines for F110 Payment Program (W/Check mgmt)
33288 - Payment methods for rental agreement
22856 - Customer credit memos are not paid
20484 - Payment program does not clear due items
4904 - Credit memo clearing or down pmnt clearing for POR
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