To transfer the totals records of a reconciliation key to the general ledger, you have to close the reconciliation key.
During the transfer of the totals records to General Ledger Accounting (FI-GL), the system creates general ledger documents. The system first creates internal items for the standard interface to accounting. Based on these items, the interface posts the general ledger documents. By means of various checks, the accounting interface ensures that only consistent general ledger documents are created. The transfer date is contained in the control information.
In some cases, the posting records created in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA) can show account assignments that were valid at the time of posting in FI-CA, but are no longer valid at the time of transfer to the G/L. Certain information that is necessary for the G/L transfer may also be missing. In such cases, you can swap the account assignments at event 0945.
The field selection for the general ledger account has been changed. This means that specifications in further fields of the line item are mandatory. The posting period originally intended is already closed. Transfer is therefore done using a different posting date.
You can assign the document type for the general ledger transfer individually for each document. You do this via a module that you define for event 0061. The system records separate totals records for FI-CA documents with different document types for the general ledger transfer. The system creates the documents for the general ledger transfer separately according to these document types. If no document type is defined for the general ledger transfer, the document type defined in Customizing is used for the posting (see Implementation Guide for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable, Integration → General Ledger Accounting → Define Posting Specifications for General Ledger Transfer).
To swap account assignments:
1.Using the sample module FKK_SAMPLE_0945 as a guideline, write a function module that will exchange the account assignments.
2.Enter the function module for event 0945 in the Implementation Guide for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable under Program Enhancements → Define Customer-Specific Function Modules.
4.Enter the reconciliation key and select the fieldSubsequent Adjustments.
You can only make entries in this field if you have special authorization for the object F_KK_SOND with activity 050.
To transfer the posting totals to the General Ledger, choose one of the following paths:
●Role Transfer General Ledger and Profitability Analysis (SAP_FI_CA_TRANSFER_GL_PROFIT) →Transfer Posting Totals to General Ledger
●SAP Menu Periodic Processing → Forward Postings → Execution → Transfer to General Ledger.
To ensure an accurate and up-to-date reconciliation between general ledger accounting and subledger accounting, you should perform the transfer daily if possible.
To transfer large data volumes, you can use this function as a mass activity in the SAP menu under Periodic Processing → Forward Postings → Execution → General Ledger Transfer (Mass Run):
1.Enter a date and an ID that you can use to identify the run later.
2.Restrict the postings to be transferred using the reconciliation key or the date on which the reconciliation key was closed.
If a reconciliation key has more than 99 totals records, during the transfer, the system can create a further general ledger document if you have maintained the activity Define Posting Specifications for General Ledger Transfer accordingly in the Implementation Guide for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payableunder Integration → General Ledger Accounting. Note that when you check the taxes during closing in the general ledger, you have to consider all general ledger documents for a reconciliation key.