This sub-monitor in the SAP/Oracle Database
Monitor lets you display the results of native Oracle select statements,
which you enter in an editor.
If your statement selects only content of
tables with owner SYS or PUBLIC, the monitor displays the result of the
select statement. Otherwise the monitor executes statements and displays
miscellaneous runtime information.
You choose PerformanceAdditional FunctionsSQL Command Editor in the DBA Cockpit.
You can use the editor in the following ways:
The sub-monitor consists of an editor screen
where you enter the SQL statement and a result screen that displays the
result of the SQL statement.
The result is written to a spool list.
Database table
The result is written to a database table.
This lets you store and read it later, or evaluate it with an SQL
script. To do this, make an entry of the form &&&<RESULT_ID>&&& before the SQL query.
The system stores the result with the ID ATEST in table ORA_SQLC_DATA. The table ORA_SQLC_HEAD stores the result structure.
These functions ask you for an ID so that the statement can be saved
to, loaded to, or deleted from the SAP database.
The advantage of storing your statements is that you can share the same statement with other users.
SQL CommandParse
This function starts a simple parser to
check the syntax. This parser only makes sure that the monitor is able
to generate a display structure and
display the result of the statement. It also checks the owner of the
tables and views that have to be read.
It does not check the complete Oracle syntax. Therefore, it does not guarantee that the statement can be executed.
SQL CommandExecute
This function starts the parser, executes the statement, and displays the result of the statement.
SQL CommandExecute Background
This function creates a background job for
the execution of the current SQL statement. It is best to execute in the
background when you
expect a long runtime for the statement.
The system asks for some parameters as follows:
Background job parameters
Statement ID
This is the ID for saving the current SQL
statement in the SAP database. The current statement is stored under
this ID for later execution. If you use the default value $TMP_JOB,
overwrites an already existing statement with this ID. Use this default
only if you are sure that there is no other job that uses this ID
awaiting execution.
Print result of statement
Select this box if you want to get the resulting data.
Print runtime data for statement
Select this to receive the runtime information for the statement.
Start execution immediately
Select this to start execution immediately.
Scheduled start at
Select this to start execution at the date and time you enter.
No start after
You can prevent the system from executing
the statement after this time. For example, this is useful to prevent
execution when you expect the system load to be high.
Print time
Here you can select whether the results are sent to the SAP spooler only or if they are printed immediately.
Background print parameters
Here you can specify the printer and other print parameters.
GotoJob overview
After starting a statement in background execution you can find your job here.
GotoSpool requests
After starting a statement in background execution you can find your spool lists here.
Save as local file or Load local file
You can save your SQL statement to a local file or load an SQL statement from a local file into the editor.
A statement must have the following syntax:
SELECT [ hint ] [ { DISTINCT | UNIQUE } | ALL ] select_list
FROM table_reference [, table_reference]...
[ WHERE condition ]
[ hierarchical_query_clause ]
[ group_by_clause ]
[ HAVING condition ]
[ { UNION | UNION ALL | INTERSECT | MINUS } ( subquery )]
[ order_by_clause ]
You can put comments between "/*+" and "*/"
A select list must have the following syntax:
{ * |
{[table_alias.]dbfieldname | expression} alias [,[table_alias.]dbfieldname | expression} alias] ... }
An expression within this select list can use a calculation operator such as +, -, *, /, ||. Unary functions (LN, MIN, AVG ...), null, or numbers, are also allowed.
If you enter one of the following commands,
you receive the same table information as if you had entered the command
with the same name on Oracle with SQLPLUS:
DESC <table name>
DESCR <table name>
DESCRIBE <table name>
Otherwise the syntax follows the SQL standard.
Conventions and Restrictions
Each column specified in the select list becomes a column in the output list.
If a select list element is specified with a
column alias, this alias is used as header text in the output list.
Otherwise the program uses the field name of the select list element as
header text. If a select list element is an expression (that is, without
a database field), the
alias is obligatory.
For every expression that is not a database field, use a column alias.
The following statement cannot be processed because the only select list element is an expression.
select to_char(startup_time,'YYYY-MM-DD-HH24.MI.SS') from v$instance …
Since expressions are not always related to exactly one database field, the monitor requires an alias name:
select to_char(startup_time,'YYYY-MM-DD-HH24.MI.SS') as startup from v$instance
Every column
alias that is specified in the select list of a sub-query can be used in
the same way as a database field name in the select statement.
If more than one table is specified in the
from clause, the columns are matched to one table for reasons of
uniqueness. If a column name occurs in more than one table, uniqueness
cannot be guaranteed. In this case you have to specify a table alias
before the column name (that is,
database field name).
When more than one table is specified and
column names that have to be outputted occur in more than one table, use
a table alias.
If both table_a and table_b have a field with identical name, field_1, you have to specify the table alias for uniqueness:
select a.field_1 as tc_a, b.field_1 as tc_b from table_a a, table_b b
The SAP List Viewer (ALV) does not
display leading blanks that the Oracle LPAD editing function has
inserted into the SQL statement. To display leading blanks, you need to
switch to list output by choosing View in the ALV grid.
Here are some examples to show features of this sub-monitor:
This statement shows an interesting rate statistics for read, write, and hit using a sub-select: