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목록SAP/ABAP (105)
Drunken Lion
http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw04/helpdata/en/9f/70bed8fe1211d2b92f0000e8353423/content.htm Types and Objects ABAP distinguishes between types and objects. Types are descriptions that do not occupy memory. Objects are instances of types, and do occupy their own memory space. A type describes the technical attributes of all of the objects with that type. ABAP types form a hierarchy. Objects in ABA..
링크.. http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=ankleo&logNo=90045340166
출처가 기억이 안나지만..
출처: http://www.sapdev.co.uk/sap-webapps/sap-webdynpro/wdp-dropdown.htm Below are the simple steps required to add a field to your abap web dynpro which displays a dropdown list of values to the user using the dropdown by index UI element.. Step 1- Create context to store dropdown values Within your web dynpro application You need to create a context node to store the dropdown values, this will g..
By 김덕환
Example Dynamic creation and generation of a subroutine pool that implements the event block LOAD-OF-PROGRAM and two subroutines. Depending on the return value sy-subrc, a subroutine is called or a message is issued. DATA: prog TYPE string, tab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string, mess TYPE string, sid TYPE string. APPEND 'PROGRAM subpool.' TO tab. APPEND `DATA spfli_tab TYPE TABLE OF spfli.` TO tab. ..