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목록SAP/FI (104)
Drunken Lion
Summary Symptom When you execute a payment run, you select credit memos and invoices for a customer or a vendor, but the system does not clear them together. In the payment (default) log, the system may generate the error message FZ 347:"...none of the payment methods defined can be used for these items". Other terms F110, SAPF110S, clearing, FZ 347 Reason and Prerequisites The items to be clear..
출처: http://it.toolbox.com/wiki/index.php/Configure_SAP_Leased_Asset_Accounting_for_4.6c_functionality Configuration of SAP Asset Accounting Capital Lease This is configuration for 4.6c functionality. For more information and screenshots, you are welcome to contact me at tonyvernon4@gmail.com. Steps General Enable Interest Calculation in depreciation area (Transaction code OABZ) Assign accounts f..
원문 링크 : http://sapdocs.info/sap/fico/sap-extended-withholding-tax-configuration/ Overview: Withholding tax is applicable in few countries. Some of the countries which have withholding tax are United Kingdom, Slovakia, Turkey, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, India, Philippines , Thailand and South Korea. SAP has given an excellent solution to map the withholding tax scenario. What is ..
원문 링크 : http://sap-f2.blogspot.com/2009/06/fz003-company-codes-do-not-appear-in.html Reasons : - no line items - config miss - There will be no dues as of that run date..now post an invoice today and run payment tomorrow date provided payment terms should be payment immediately.. if u really want to run then change the payment terms and check wheter it is due for payment then run APP. - This is ..
http://help.sap.com/saphelp_470/helpdata/en/e5/0781614acd11d182b90000e829fbfe/frameset.htm 세무쪽 HELP..
Business Transactions Many of the actions that can change an order are defined in the system as business transactions. These business transactions are represented by a four-character key and a short descriptive text. Typical examples of business transactions are: RKP1 Planning costs KZPP Planned overhead (periodic) KZPI Actual overhead (periodic) BFRE Release RFBU G/L account postings RKU1 Repos..
무슨말인지 잘 이해가 안되서 일단.... 카피... ㅋ Symptom a) You receive the runtime error PERFORM_NOT_FOUND. b) You receive the runtime error PERFORM_CONFLICT_TYPE. c) You have problems creating a user exit or using it in a condition.Additional key words PERFORM_NOT_FOUND, ZGGBS, ZGGBR, RGGBS, RGGBR, user exit, exit, validation, substitution, PERFORM_CONFLICT_TYPE, client copy, GB555, GB007, GB027, GB303, GB306, ..
GR / IR 이 희한하게 발생해서 FI 전표에서 24원이 차이가 발생하는 어처구니 없는 사태가 발생함. 찾다 찾다 IT TOOLBOX 에서 위와 같은 답변을 발견! MR11 은 수량 차이 발생시 정리 하는 거고, F.13은 금액 차이 발생시 정리 하는 거란다. 처리 해보고 글 추가 할 예정임! MR11 은 테스트 실행이 없어서 떨려서 못돌려 봤고, F.13 은 돌려봤는데 금액 차이가 있어 반제 불가함. 24원 만큼 차이난 GR/IR 계정 / 24원 만큼 차이난 상대계정(비용) 으로 대체기표 한 이후, 3개 전표를 묶어서 CLEARING 처리 할 예정. 문제 없을것 같아.. 이번 포스팅 마무리 함.